Aug 24

A roundup of tasty dishes Down Under $7

Everywhere you look operators are looking for ways to streamline operations, control costs and still provide value and appeal to customers. To help solve for this, we’ve compiled an #aussome set of menu ideas with food costs under $7 – from $1.25 and up – from our chef mates across the country. These chefs are featuring high-quality, sustainable and grass-fed Aussie proteins in a wide array of different forms, well beyond the standard steaks and chops that used to be their main home on the menu. It’s about meeting modern diners where they are, and making full use of the cuts, cooking techniques and cuisines in the chef’s toolkit. Though all very different, you’ll see a common thread of value, dynamite presentation, bold flavor and – of course – deliciousness, all designed to be profitable.

You’ll find all the dishes plus heaps more in our resource center at our website.

Coming soon, we’ll show some examples of chef concepts for specials and LTOs with Aussie meats. They’re out to lure customers back with what they crave and don’t make at home…and it all starts with Aussie grassfed beef and lamb. Watch for it!

In the meantime, check out the Under $7 dishes our chef friends created: 

Under 7 collage.png

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