Oct 22

Five Ways to Break Through the Sustainability Noise

Over the years that the Menu Matters team has been researching consumer food decisions, we’ve gotten good at understanding that what a consumer says may not match exactly how they’ll act. We all love to say we’ll eat healthy, but we sure buy a lot of cheeseburgers and pizza… 

Case in point: sustainability. A majority of consumers regularly say they care about sustainability when making a food decision. Yet, when it comes to acting on those beliefs, things get murkier.  

That’s partly because there is a lot of noise and confusion when it comes to sustainability. Each individual consumer may focus on very particular aspects of sustainability, while every operator may have a different sustainability story.  

So how do you reach consumers with your own sustainability bona fides? Consider these five tactics: 

  1. Craft your overall sustainability message. Many consumers are overwhelmed by sustainability messages, unsure of what terms mean, which efforts have the most impact, and what might just be “greenwashing.” Make the decision easy for them – craft a succinct, clear sustainability message (a single sentence works) that you stand for and make it a core part of your brand – and then make sure your customers (and prospective customers) know about it.  

  2. Make the details available. Of course, some consumers will want the details – particularly those consumers that choose sustainability as one of the most important factors they consider when making a food purchase. Have more details on hand – sustainability efforts that you participate in, metrics on the positive impacts your efforts have had, information on the sustainable products and ingredients you choose, etc. You can also sprinkle some of these facts and data points in marketing and messaging to drive home that overall sustainability message. [Editors note: Aussie proteins carry world-leading sustainability bona fides, so you can source with confidence that your choices will stand up to scrutiny. Learn more here.] 

  3. Showcase back-of-house efforts. Nearly every foodservice operator has policies and solutions in place to cut down on waste, but very few showcase those efforts to customers. Yet over 60% of consumers say brands and supermarkets should do more to reduce food waste, according to Capgemini Research Institute. Show off the sustainability work you’re doing behind the scenes – consumers want to see it. [Editors note: Food waste shows up often as a top sustainability priority. Especially with high-value proteins, it pays to source well-trimmed proteins that allow for full utilization, like the ones from Australia!]  

  4. Give consumers a way to showcase their sustainable choices. Over half of Gen Z – 51% -- says they feel pressure to care about the environment, according to a study by Ketchum. That doesn’t mean they don’t care, but that there is still a lot of pressure on them to say and do the right things and showcase to their peers that the environment matters to them. Give them ways to showcase that they’re making environmental decisions at your operation through packaging, loyalty campaigns, social media, events, etc. 

  5. Prepare for the future. In a massive study (350,000 consumers) by Deloitte, researchers found that sustainability promoted more trust in brands from younger consumers. In fact, Gen Z and Millennials are 27% more likely to purchase from a brand that they believe cares about its impact on people and the planet. “We’re fast approaching this tipping point where sustainability will be considered a baseline requirement for purchase, and companies should prepare now,” the researchers noted in the Harvard Business Review.  

Break Through the Sustainability Noise

The sustainability landscape is confusing for both consumers and operators, but focusing on your core message, showcasing your efforts, and creating a plan for the future will already put you ahead of most foodservice operators and cut through the noise. 




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